I had such a good time spinning this improvised set for my good buddy 3li‘s birthday party that I thought the rest of the world might enjoy it…
Richard Haig · 303 Day Okay maybe I’m late to post but I celebrated in the orthodox fashion as the holiday was originally intended and I made this…
Trepanation by Richard Haig Released December 04, 2020 All music written and performed by Richard HaigMastered by Sean PriceArtwork by Richard HaigArt Heist logo by Anthony Mendolia TREPANATION…
“Negative Space” Music Video Back in the summer of this year, I asked my friend Eli Woods if he was interested in working on a music video together…
I began using the name Panic Bomber only a few years after graduating from the University of Miami. I was regularly protesting the aftermath of the second Iraq…
It’s been a while since I’ve had a proper website! I could have saved a whole lot of time and effort had I just paid someone to do…
Honestly, this might be my favorite DJ set I’ve ever spun. IDP San Francisco invited me to perform a guest mix. There was a video but youtube, copyright,…
My little SF party crew, Haggard Solutions, has been coping with COVID by doing some streams. They’re not enough of the real thing, but they’ll have to do…
Lost EP by Panic Bomber Released March 20, 2020 All music written and performed by Richard HaigArtwork by Richard HaigArt Heist logo by Anthony Mendolia This is a…
In 2014 and 2015, the New World Symphony Orchestra in Miami invited me to guest compose and perform with them in two separate concerts, the first time a…