Beyond the Black Hole

A dystopian sci-fi hardware electro duo with Renzo Gorrio of Hydroplane.

FYI Birds

Improvisatory trio with Devin Smith and Bob Woods-LaDue

Spooked & Snap Judgment

I occasionally score music for the WNYC & Luminary-produced, NPR-distributed programs Spooked and Snap Judgment.

Kurtz & Bomber


I provide additional vocals in Robert Woods-LaDue‘s experimental metal band.

New World Symphony

I composed for & performed with the New World Symphony in 2014 & 2015. Here’s a post about it.

Fantasia Live Re-Score

In the winter of 2018-2019, I collaborated with Mark Golton, Renzo Gorrio, and Andrew Vickers to compose & perform a live re-score of Disney’s Fantasia for the SF Indiefest and Another Hole in the Head film festivals.